How can you not ‘Like’ a 30 Day Prosperity Program by @KristieReeves?


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“This book was easy to read but a deep and thought provoking process. It’s a bit smaller than other books so it fit into my purse nicely. I’d bring it along each day on my journeys around the city reading it while waiting in line, etc. In that sense, it was very practical. But I didn’t realize it was going to deliver something so enormous into my life. This woman is gifted. Her research into the subconscious mind and the thoughts that hold us back, informed this little gem. Every chapter is so deeply accurate exploring the subconscious beliefs of the towns we grew up in or our fears around stepping into our power. Each chapter explodes with information that kept me pondering for hours. We get lost in thinking we have to do it ‘their’ way. But all that is our heart’s desire can be manifested in abundant ways, our way. I’ve since worked with the author (who is available via Skype if you don’t life in Los Angeles) to uncover and reverse limiting beliefs about prosperity. Every single chapter focuses on a theme she uncovered in working with clients either privately or in groups and I gotta say that I’ve had many of these themes that needed to be addressed including my favorite chapter, Day 19: Where Does My Money Come From? It doesn’t come from your employer or the people who pay you, it comes from source energy or God or the Creator of all that Is and it’s channeled through these rivers of cash flow. It was then that I realized how much this book was about a spiritual journey and there was no going back for me. The meditations, affirmations and the journaling I was ready for and wow did I gain insights.

 This book is highly recommend as a step on your journey to becoming a master of your life by eliminating those roadblocks that hold you back from shining your light into the world and walking a divinely guided life path that brings you joy first….and then the prosperity will follow. Blessings to you, Kristie Reeves, for touching the world with your gifts.”

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Sneak peak: the first chapter



In order to begin your journey to prosperity, you first need to find out where you are right now. Each of us has a belief system that is shaped in many ways: by the group consciousness of the society we live in; by beliefs that we took on from our parents, ancestors, teachers, friends, peer group, coworkers, church, and religion; and by the experiences we have had since we came into this world. Our DNA and RNA stores memories and beliefs, as well as emotions from past lives. All these different aspects determine the way we view the world, both consciously and unconsciously. They determine what our life looks like and the kinds of people, places, and circumstances we attract. Depending on these beliefs, we will attract either prosperity or deprivation.

Let us take a look at some of those aspects. To find out what might be blocking you from manifesting abundance, ask yourself the following questions and write down the first thought that comes to your mind. When you are done, look back at your answers. Do you see a through line or universal theme to your responses?

–          What did my parents teach me about money?

–          What does the society I live in think about money?

–          What did my childhood look like when it came to money?

–          Do I believe that it is hard to make money? If so, who taught me that?

–          Do I believe that a “real” job can’t be fun? If so, why?

–          What would happen if I worked a job that was fun? Would I be able to make money with it? Would people respect me for it? Would I respect myself for it?

–          Would I feel guilty if I had more money than my family/ancestors? Would I feel that I was betraying them?

–          Do I believe that money is the root of all evil?

–          Do I believe that good people are poor, and rich people are bad?

–          Do I belief that being broke/poor is a virtue?

–          What did my religion or spiritual beliefs teach me about money?

–          Do I believe that money will disconnect me from my family and friends?

–          Do I feel guilty about having abundance while others live in poverty?

–          Do I believe that I have to make a choice between being abundant and being spiritual? That one excludes the other?

–          Do I believe that I have to make a choice between being abundant and being loved? Do I believe that I can only be truly loved if I am poor, and that if I am rich, people will only love me for my money?

–          Do I believe that I have to make a choice between being abundant and being happy? Do I believe that I can only be happy if I am poor?

Can you see what beliefs are still blocking you? Write down any other thoughts and beliefs about money that come up. We will work with these beliefs over the next thirty days.

Meditation and Exercise:

Now close your eyes. Imagine yourself surrounded by the white light of the Divine. Create a visual image of what money looks like to you. Then see the light of the Divine Source surrounding that money and filling it with unconditional love. What does that new energy feel like to you? What would you like to believe about money? Feel yourself opening up to new thoughts of abundance. Feel this energy filling up your physical body and your auric field. Keep that new feeling throughout the day.

Open your eyes and take up your notebook. Write down this statement: “From now on, I believe that money is…” Fill in the blanks.

Affirmation: “I now let go of any and all old concepts and beliefs about money that no longer serve me. I allow the Creator to guide me to new thoughts and beliefs about money and prosperity that are aligned with my highest good.”


(Copyright © 2011 by Avalon Healing. This program, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission. Requests for such permission should be addressed to:

The intent of this program is to offer information and does not substitute any form of medical or psychological treatment. The use of any information is on your own responsibility and the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.)

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